
The importance in creating a unique value proposition through product positioning in order to create lasting appeal!

Everyday somewhere in the world the sun is trying to sell sunlight to a flower. Mostly the flower does not resist because it knows in full the value of sunlight. There is no doubt in the DNA of the flower that the staff which comes with those rays of sunlight is essential for its survival. In this context the sun is offering value through a product called sunlight that is critical in some place other than the sun itself. It just happens to be that that place is here on planet earth with so many willing and eager prospects. The sun, though so many miles away is well positioned to offer a product that is firstly unique and secondly highly in demand. The sun competes daily to produce and deliver its product and its very clear that its highly effective in doing this. The maker of the sun clearly took some time in uniquely creating the sun after taking into account all the variables that need to be satisfied in order for the sun to have a unique value proposition with lasting appeal espe...

South Africa is ripe for multiple sources of income, especially for the youth..

The most beautiful thing about being an entrepreneur is that you get to write your own paycheck. Obviously there is risk involved in this, but its very liberating being able to determine your own income and the source thereof. Having a job is great because your income is fixed and mostly certain month after month. Working for a bank I never missed a paycheck in 7 years and it came in on time all the time. However, it just never felt like it was enough because every year all I had to look forward to was the bonus in August and that was it. Being able to write my own paycheck however is one of the most empowering actions I have ever taken. The freedom that comes in being able to pull from different sources using different products/companies/services is liberating. I cannot imagine having to look at just one place for sustenance. I credit this desire to all those days spent either selling groceries at a tuck shop, vegetables in the back of a bakkie, fresh produce on a farm, sweets ...

Saying no to some opportunities

Business is all about opportunities, right? However, the opportunities worth pursing are the ones you know with almost absolute certainty that you are in the best position to deliver amazing results for! Sometimes it is OK to say No to certain opportunities knowing that not every prospect which walks into your store front inquiring about your products or services is worth pursuing. It is OK to turn down some opportunities knowing very well that your forgoing of the potential revenue is a favourable trade-off to the strain these opportunities will bring on your organisation in the delivery process as these same opportunities will most likely result in a minimization of your ability to capitalize on those opportunities you are naturally in the best position to deliver amazing results for. Knowing your business, what you have to offer and the complexities within your value chain should form part of your underlying decision making when assessing new opportunities. Any opp...

How to cope with doubt and worry in the productive process

How can you respect and regard a man who presents something to you which is not the best that he has to offer? And I mean the best which he has to offer in that category of offering. If I am offering you fruit, I must give you the best fruit available to me. At least the best in that category of fruit which I have to offer. Anything less is unacceptable. Our biggest problem is that there is doubt and worry in the production process, whether it be for fruit or anything else we fancy to produce, so much so that the fruit ends up compromised and unworthy. You see where there is doubt and worry there is bound to be compromise. Compromise takes the purity away from the production process. You must learn to look at the production process and accept it for what it is including your own abilities and inabilities. Praise and worship take the doubt and worry away from the production process. By praising and worshiping we transfer the responsibility for the things about which we doubt and w...

Are you spiritually prepared for adversity?

Good Morning Fellow Kingdom Citizens, Today is the 8th of August, 2018 at 7:20 AM South African time. I must confess, it is a beautiful day and time to be alive. I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM  feeling blessed and glad to be alive. I had a dream that I met one of my spiritual fathers, Dr Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe is late, but his work in the Kingdom of Heaven has left a lasting impact on myself and many others. In my dream I met Dr. Munroe for the 1st time. Sadly I have never met him in person though. In the dream he introduced me to his son Chairo Munroe, whom I believe I ought to reach out to when the time arrives. On my drive to work this morning, I thought of something. Adversity. I remembered a dark time in my life before accepting salvation. A time just after my mothers passing in 2010, when alcohol had become my source of comfort. It was a dark time then and I confess that I was self destructing and had no spiritual grounding. I was 24 years old at the time. The best...

Seek Ye First

Good Morning Fellow Kingdom Citizens, Today is the 8th of August, 2018 at 7:20 AM South African time. I must confess, it is a beautiful day and time to be alive. I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM  feeling blessed and glad to be alive. I had a dream that I met one of my spiritual fathers, Dr Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe is late, but his work in the Kingdom of Heaven has left a lasting impact on myself and the lives of many other fellow Kingdom Citizens. In my dream I met Dr. Munroe for the 1st time. Sadly I have never met him in person though. In the dream he introduced me to his son Chairo Munroe, whom I believe I ought to reach out to when the time is right. On my drive to work this morning, I thought of something. Facing Adversity! I remembered a dark time in my life before accepting Salvation. A time just after my mothers passing in 2010, when alcohol had become my source of comfort. It was a dark time then and I confess that I was self destructing and had no spiritual groundi...