The importance in creating a unique value proposition through product positioning in order to create lasting appeal!
Everyday somewhere in the world the sun is trying to sell sunlight to a flower. Mostly the flower does not resist because it knows in full the value of sunlight. There is no doubt in the DNA of the flower that the staff which comes with those rays of sunlight is essential for its survival. In this context the sun is offering value through a product called sunlight that is critical in some place other than the sun itself. It just happens to be that that place is here on planet earth with so many willing and eager prospects. The sun, though so many miles away is well positioned to offer a product that is firstly unique and secondly highly in demand. The sun competes daily to produce and deliver its product and its very clear that its highly effective in doing this. The maker of the sun clearly took some time in uniquely creating the sun after taking into account all the variables that need to be satisfied in order for the sun to have a unique value proposition with lasting appeal espe...