How to cope with doubt and worry in the productive process

How can you respect and regard a man who presents something to you which is not the best that he has to offer? And I mean the best which he has to offer in that category of offering. If I am offering you fruit, I must give you the best fruit available to me. At least the best in that category of fruit which I have to offer. Anything less is unacceptable. Our biggest problem is that there is doubt and worry in the production process, whether it be for fruit or anything else we fancy to produce, so much so that the fruit ends up compromised and unworthy.

You see where there is doubt and worry there is bound to be compromise. Compromise takes the purity away from the production process. You must learn to look at the production process and accept it for what it is including your own abilities and inabilities. Praise and worship take the doubt and worry away from the production process. By praising and worshiping we transfer the responsibility for the things about which we doubt and worry into the hands of God.

So, what bring doubt and worry? Uncertainty brings doubt and worry! Not knowing for sure that we can control the odds no matter what those odds are. And so, to deal with uncertainty, we doubt and worry, and to cope with the doubt and worry we compromise. Compromise is putting what seems or feels to be good in the place of what is right to make up for uncertainty.

The best way to deal with uncertainty is to pursue right standing with God. Because once we are in right standing with God, doubt and worry have no room to take ground and the need for compromise is done away with. Once uncertainty is in the hands of God, it is easier to cope with the things we are not so sure about and we can then focus on those things which we know we naturally do particularly well.

The fruit thereof will be free of compromise and it will be respectable and regarded as worthy to whomever it is presented to. Always trust in God for the things you are uncertain about. The things you cannot control.


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